Store Branding

Customize your white-label store with a custom packing slip message, branding logos, and much much more!
Updated 3 months ago

Under Store configuration you will see the option for Branding. This is where you are able to take the template of the white-label store and customize it to your brand. Let's walk through it! 

Store branding


Branding logo: This will be the main imagery for your webstore and should be a company logo.

Hero image: This image will be displayed as a banner on your online store
> minimum 1900px wide


Home page URL: Connect a URL for your website that will be linked to from the webstore.


Contact email address: We recommend using a general email that connects to an inbox that is monitored by and individual, or individuals, who are tasked with supporting the webstore operation. 

Email from name: Customize the name shown to your customers from the automated emails the system prompts for receipts and shipment notifications.

Storefront Messages

Home page message: Set a message that will be displayed on your storefront home page.

General checkout message: Set a message that will be displayed on your storefront checkout page.

Terms and conditions: Set a terms and conditions message that will be displayed on your storefront checkout page.

Order success message: Set a message that will be displayed on your storefront order success page.

Shipping Labels

Return address: Set up the white-label address that will reflect on all orders shipped from your store. 

We are unable to use a PO Box as the return address.

This is unique to the store and not the account. This means that if you have multiple stores, you will need to establish the return address for each store.

Billing Transactions

Although your customer will make a payment directly to us, the transaction will be white-labeled to reflect your store name. 

The transaction name is established when your store is set up based on the store name. If you require it to read as specific verbiage, reach out to our team at

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